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About Diane

Diane Tesler painting on location

Diane Tesler began her painting career in Hawaii, drawn to the quality of the light and a compelling subject: the abandoned cars scattered around the island. These discoveries –- the power of light to reveal form and the beauty of the discarded –- have remained a constant in her work ever since.

After relocating to Virginia, Diane joined the Torpedo Factory Art Center in Alexandria, where she is a painting instructor at the Art League School.

In late August of 1986, Diane accompanied a friend for a short painting trip to the Kewanna/Grass Creek area of northern Indiana. Within the space of several days, she fell in love with the open skies and austere beauty of the landscape. This, along with the abandoned houses found hidden in the fields of corn and soybeans, brought her back every summer to gather as much material as possible to tide her over for the rest of the year.

Peach Palace

By 1991, ready to make a larger commitment, she purchased an old house in the town of Kewanna that she used as studio space. This made it possible to work for longer periods of time in the field and develop friendships with people in the area. Some of them found their way into her paintings.

Press Room: The Observer
Press Room: The Observer, oil on linen, 40 X 42 in., Private Collection

Her love of old buildings led her to acquire the town’s IOOF Lodge Hall in 1998 and the former Masonic Hall in 2008 for use as studio, classroom and exhibition space. During the month of August, two one-week painting workshops sponsored by the Art League are available for those artists who would like to work with Diane on location.

In 2012, after commuting back and forth from Virginia to Indiana for over 20 years, Diane pulled up stakes and moved to Kewanna full time, with the intention to live and work in the world she loves to paint.

Resume (PDF)

Artist Statement (PDF)

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21 thoughts on “About Diane”

  1. I’m so happy to learn of Kewanna’s good fortune. I’m a Hoosier country boy whose childhood doctor(that delivered me)lived above his office in downtown K.(Dr. Kelsey). I share your love of central Indiana’s countryside and it’s bird and bug songs.
    I must make a point to revisit and meet you.

    1. Thanks Garry,
      Hope you’ll come visit when you come back. Love my adopted home town! Living here has been one adventure after another. Did you move far away?

  2. You brought me another heart-smile when I found your Lucerne painting. I attended grade school to 7th grade there, in the old school from where both my older brother and father graduated.

  3. Dear Diane,

    You have been running thru my mind off and on. So happy to find your website.

    You have done so very well with your art, Diane. Terrific

    Harvey and I are now in Honolulu…moved from Charlottesville, VA, 11/6/14. It is as beautiful as ever.

    I am still painting and now not working, five or so days a week.

    Would love to hear from you. I trust you remember me from so long ago.



  4. I stumbled upon you and don’t remember how, other than I am painting old abandoned houses and you also paint this subject so that is what caught my attention. Love your work and hearing about your life as an artist. I was lucky enough to visit the Torpedo Factory while vising family in VA what a great place. Back in early 90’s I lived in Mt. Vernon In, near the Ky border and traveled the state by bus and loved the countryside. Best regards, feel a connection to you, although we have never met.

    1. Charlene, I am a lifelong Mishawaka and I just did my first painting workshop with Diane. I’d be interested in knowing more about your connection …

  5. Diane, We so enjoyed our visit to your “Lost and Found” art show 10/21/16. The commitment u have for your family community is extraordinary.
    Your work is everything one would desire, in a painting. Look forward to your workshops next year. I am sure Avon Waters will be there too!
    His sis/bro exhibited at the show.

  6. Hi, Diane! My brother just bought a house 2 years ago in Kewanna and is in the process of fixing it up. Last month my daughter and I were visiting him and he told us all about you. We LOVE that little town and love to walk around it. We peeked in the windows of your shop and saw your paintings. I love them!! You are very talented. My brother is also an artist. I hope someday to be able to meet you!! Cherie

  7. I can’t remember how long Ive been going to Diane’s galley to paint maybe 15 years or more. She is an excellent teacher and a wonderful good person. I will keep going to Kewanna to paint and learn as long as I am able! Her new site is very nice.

  8. Dear Diane,
    Remember mi? Gladi Meyerson from Alexandria, VA….We are now in Walnut Creek CA. I am still painting. My passion is and always was to paint faces.

    I always love your work.

  9. Ms Tesler,
    We have you “September ” painting in our living room and see it every day. It’s like a good friend that
    Greets us in the morning. Thank you so much for that privilege.

  10. I purchased a large still life piece by Diane many years ago when I was visiting Alexandrea and happened upon The Torpedo Factory Arts Center and a show of local artists. I had selected a smaller work from her gallery/workspace when the woman who was helping me took me down to see the larger one in the show, and I fell in love with it. To this day, it’s still one of my favorites in my collection.

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